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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Museum of Modern Art

The next museum we visited was the Museum of Modern Art. Back in the day, I used to go with my dad to see films there. That, and the cafe, were the only parts of the museum my father would visit. Here's a shot of the lovely courtyard...

Although there were a couple of works of art I finally got to see "in person" including some favorites from Van Gogh, Monet and Warhol...

...for the most part my daughter and I were quite disappointed with MOMA. As we couldn't feel moved by a lot of the "art" I guess us rednecks aren't quite as "cultured" as many of the people parading through the rooms. A string hanging from the ceiling, a pile of bricks, torn sheets from a notebook with 1 + 1 = 2 written over and over again, a video of a woman pinching her face over and over again, photos of pimples on asses and then this "masterpiece" left us scratching our heads...

Really? That's art? I'd like to know how much they paid for that piece of crap. In fact, had they put little price tags next to each piece I would have found that fascinating. I wonder if they'd be interested in the pitted wooden plank the boys use for target practice. If you look really close at the holes I think you could see Warhol's face. And I've got piles of bricks in my yard that have more character than the ones we saw in the middle of a room.

Although I became quickly bored, my daughter actually began getting angry..."You don't know how pissed off I am. Most of this crap is not art. It looks like shit I drew when I was three. I could have given them torn pages from my calculus notebook. That would have been more interesting. And the people are so pretentious, torturing their little kids who would much rather be anywhere else...'Look at his masterpiece Francois.' You know Francois wants to pull that string off the ceiling."

More interesting than what was dangling or hanging inside were the views looking outside from MOMA.

My daughter said this was a statue of a woman trying to drown herself after spending all day at MOMA. I said it would have been me if we had to pay $20 a head. Yup, we got in free and we still feel like we got ripped off.

We couldn't wait to get the heck outta there and head downtown to visit Chelsea and Tribeca...

1 comment:

  1. Your daughter's comment about the statue had me laughing aloud. It is truly a commentary on the times, and not a good one, that there is very little being made that is "art" worthy.
