Based upon my failure rate of keeping them, I no longer make New Year's resolutions. Why bother proclaiming I'm going to do something when in all likelihood I will not keep to it? If you think about most resolutions, they're just doing "more" or "less" of something, so instead I prefer to start my year off with a More or Less Hopes list.
I Hope To:
Spend LESS time on-line, especially on social media websites. They really are a time-drain and I'm tired of getting pissed off at people I don't even know.
Spend MORE time on my computer. What? Didn't you just write you want to spend LESS time on-line? Yes, I did. I'd like to spend MORE time off-line, taking all my story ideas off of napkins, matchbook covers, bits of papers, notebooks, index cards, etc., and organize and develop them so I can continue to write books.
Spend LESS time reading reviews of my already published books. Yes, most are good, but the few negative ones hurt, even if, as my cousin says, they are written by women who are probably gold-diggers themselves.
Spend MORE time patting myself on the back for struggling to bring light to the dark situations elderly people may encounter via Fractured Facade. Based on personal e-mails and some reviews, folks appreciate the heads-up and plan to keep a closer watch on their loved ones. Mission accomplished.
Spend LESS time looking in the mirror and bemoaning the loss of my once slender figure. I am no longer twenty and I have had two children, so I'm giving myself a pass.
Spend MORE time working on shedding weight. True, I'll never be the size 3 I once was, but there's no reason I can't lose some of the blubber. I plan to ramp up my workout routine utilizing my bicycle, Zumba Wii Dance games and DVD's of Bollywood exercises. Although I toyed with the idea of joining the Y for warm water exercises for my RA, the thought of getting in a bathing suit amongst strangers fills me with dread. I want to shop somewhere else for clothes besides Ross. BTW, thank God for Ross!
Eat LESS of my favorite foods. I've read the Wheat Belly Diet and it's an impossible task for an Italian to take on. Rather than deprive myself of every tasty thing imaginable, I will make a concerted effort to avoid fattening foods, especially bread, cookies, cakes, pies, donuts, bagels, sweets & pasta.
Drink MORE water. Boring, blah, blech, but necessary.
Drink LESS wine. Nectar of the Gods, calming, delicioso, but fattening and liver-killing.
Become MORE organized. Running a business, raising kids (they're still kids even if they're young adults) writing, creating, and running after a puppy, causes me to sometimes "forget" things. Not my age! I plan to utilize lists more, as well as writing appointments on the calendar where I can see it and not just in my planner which lays at the bottom on my pocketbook.
Schedule LESS. I'm going to learn to say no more.
Spend MORE time with those that appreciate me, and LESS time with those that use me. I am who I am and if you don't like it, oh well, move on. If you take me for granted, lie to me, are unloyal, or are a "false friend," I'm not going to waste my time with you. I don't want to spend any more time on energy drainers.
Worry LESS. I cannot control many things, and I hope to learn how to "give up" my worries.
Love MORE. Not just my family, friends, and community, but I hope to learn to love myself as well. Only then can I love the rest of the world.
I think the above hopes are doable, but I'm not going to stress if I fall of the wagon. Whatever you plan to do in 2013, I wish you all the best in your success. Happy New Year!
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