Fractured Facade

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THE VALENTINE'S DAY CURSE -- A Short Story, Free everywhere...except on Amazon (boo! hiss!) where it's $.99 to buy! Click here for direct link! Let them know it's free at these stores and they may price match it! Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books...more to come.

Monday, October 24, 2011

One Task Every Day

I have a theory that in order to be successful at anything you're passionate about, you must perform at least one activity per day in order to achieve your goal. It doesn't matter how small the task is as long as you do "something" to advance your cause. Even if it's just posting an update on Facebook, tweaking an author page, or shooting off a quick e-mail, it still counts.

For today's task I will insist the local printer I've been attempting to give my money to, see me in person. Rather than pay half the price I could by using an on-line company like Vistaprint to design my eBook business cards, I thought it would be more in-line with my desire to support local businesses by giving them the work. I thought I had made it very easy as I was very clear with the look I desired, submitted quality artwork, and even laid out the exact way I wanted the copy to look. After going back and forth a couple of times via e-mail, I have not been happy with the results.

Check Mark Pictures, Images and Photos

The one great thing about being an "independent" anything is that you have total control. And this includes my marketing material. If I want something one way, I expect it be to done that way. I don't want excuses, or your "creative" touch smudging my ideas. If you're unable to perform the service I am seeking, just be honest and tell me so I can go on my merry way. Stop wasting my time. So....I will give the printer one more chance today, but that, as they say, is that.

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