To take a vial of blood out of my husband, without even seeing the doctor, the lab charged $88.00. The lab who performed the sole test of determining how deficient my husband was charged an additional $200.00. That's $288.00! Since he was prescribed the mega dose of D he has to be retested every 2-3 months. I haven't received my lab bills yet (the insurance company sent me a letter saying they need more information because Lord knows I want to scam them into taking unnecessary blood tests) and could only imagine how high they're going to be since I also had cholesterol testing, a complete blood count and a liver panel done besides the D test.
Meanwhile, as I previously posted, since I too was D deficient even though I am a sun Goddess in the summer, my doctor wanted me to take 4,000 units per day. I bought the over-the-counter D, with the largest dosage I could find, 2,000 units, and began taking two pills daily. So how did that work out? It took me four days to realize the intense headaches I was experiencing began the day I began the D vitamins. So I dropped the dosage to half, one 2,000 pill a day. The headaches immediately ceased. I called the nurse at my doctor's office and left a message telling her to let him know I've halved his recommendations. Since I haven't heard anything back I'm assuming it's okay (that is if she even told him.)
Since I began taking vitamin D I was surprised to find out in my research that it has been used successfully to treat auto-immune diseases like RA. Now I don't know if it's because I added the Vitamin D to my daily pill cocktail mixture, or because my MTX dosage was increased, but whatever the reason I am thrilled to report that my rheumatoid arthritis pains have diminished greatly. Other than feeling wiped out two days a week from the MTX pills, it's a wonderful feeling. I'm still a little stiff and achy in the morning, but being a human barometer has ceased. I don't know when it's going to rain or snow and I have been able to double my aerobic, walking and weight lifting exercises, as long as it's not Monday or Tuesday.
I have been sleeping much better than I ever have in my life, except of course when the spirits are compelled to wake me, but that's my mind, not body. I've even continued to lose weight, although at a slower pace. Even my wedding band has begun slipping around my once sausage-like finger. And it's just in time to put some weight back on during this delicious holiday season. I simply must have my canollis, stroufflers and Venetians! Life is too short to not enjoy it to the fullest, and after the New Year I'll go back on the anti-sugar diet wagon.
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