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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Over-The-Top Blueberry Shindig

It's amazing how a sentence could look fantastic on paper, stupendous when read in one's mind, but sound like crap when spoken aloud. I discovered this last night as I gathered my family together and read them my critique of Jim Minick's, "The Blueberry Years" for the Over-The-Top Blueberry Shindig being held next Tuesday night at 6:30pm at the Roanoke Library.

Ack! Some words put together just do not roll off the tongue naturally. Say "rural reader" aloud and tell me you don't sound like Scooby Doo. Now say it three times in a row out loud. Here's your Scooby snack.

Not only do some of the words not sound pleasant to my ear, but there are just too darn many of them. Heck, if I don't edit this piece down my presentation will be longer than Minick's!

Anyway, I hope you can come to the event where you can...Watch me shake in fear of speaking in front of a crowd! Watch me mangle the English language! Watch me embarrass myself! And then enjoy the rest of the festivities.

No, Lady Gaga won't be there singing "Blueberry Kisses"...


  1. You could be a stand up comedian! You are so funny. I love coming to your posts because it perks up my day...rural reader....oh yes...scooby doo.

  2. Oh gosh! I knew there was just one more element we needed for this event - i'm working on having someone present a version of Lady Gaga's Blueberry Kisses, Elena!

  3. Yeah, Cheryl my family thinks I'm a joke too, heehee.

    Glad to help River!

  4. I am sure you'll do fine. I'll be thinking about rural reader all night now--thanks.
