Fractured Facade

"A fathers death...a daughter's life...a sociopath's vendetta...FRACTURED FACADE ...a novel written as memoir. Only $3.99 and available wherever eBooks are sold. Click here for direct link to Amazon.


THE VALENTINE'S DAY CURSE -- A Short Story, Free everywhere...except on Amazon (boo! hiss!) where it's $.99 to buy! Click here for direct link! Let them know it's free at these stores and they may price match it! Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books...more to come.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Posting has been light lately because there just aren't enough hours in a day. Besides continuing to research my next novel, I'm in full spring cleaning mode, and I thank my soon-to-arrive out-of-town guests for keeping me on my toes. It's amazing how much "junk" one can accumulate. Of course, all I need to do is watch an episode of "Hoarders" to make me realize, "hey, I'm not that bad after all."

I have taken a page from my daughter's playbook -- any clothing that has been in drawers, or in the back of the closet over two years, means I do not wear it, so off to Goodwill it goes. No matter how much I tell myself, "One day I will fit in those jeans," deep down I know those days are gone. If the girl could get rid of 7 bags of clothing surely I can too. A whole drawer of make-up was easy to toss as was a cabinet full of hair product and expired medicine.

The "memorabilia" is harder to let go. These were some of the articles found in my dresser drawers:

*A little box containing shreds of my son's blankie
*A velvet pouch containing shreds of my daughter's blankie
*A plastic ziploc containing both kids' teeth
*A tissue unwrapped reveals golden locks of hair and a chestnut brown curl
*Inscribed corks from champagne bottles -- one with "she said yes!" and another with "15 years after she said yes!"
*Photos, photos, & more photos -- beautiful, colorful film before digital cameras came on the scene
*Mass and saint cards of those who have passed (I've lost a lot of loved ones)
*Notes, cards & letters from a time before computers took away the warmth of a pen
*A dainty lacy handkerchief blessed by the Pope in the 60's and given to me by my mother
*Little coin purses that were my mother's
*A plastic coin purse with a daisy on it containing a couple of dollars' in coins that was my daughter's; her first money earned by creating and selling jewelery
*Copies of letters by me written in 2000 to my daughter's principal and teachers (These deserve their own blog post which I will save for another day!)
*Max's paw print in plaster. I miss my baby boy...

I couldn't let any of it go, so I put them in a plastic container which has room for more "memorabilia." I still have many rooms, and an entire basement to get through, and I have a feeling I'm going to need more containers. For now, I have to stop because I'm having guests soon...YAY!...and I have to do the "real" cleaning. Oh, I hope they bring the Breakstone Butter!

I probably won't be around much because I'll be busy playing tour guide, hoping to entice my visitors to come back to Roanoke, if not permanently, at least more often. This will be the third visit from my cousin, but my friend has never been here. I hope the weather cooperates.


  1. It is hard to let go of things that have memories attached.

  2. I'm doing exactly the same thing Elena. Decluttering, is what I call it. I too, have found all sorts of memorabilia that I can't toss. I'm doing much worse than you are though because I'm just boxing all of the things I don't use and stacking the boxes in my garage! It'll be a slow goodbye.
