Fractured Facade

"A fathers death...a daughter's life...a sociopath's vendetta...FRACTURED FACADE ...a novel written as memoir. Only $3.99 and available wherever eBooks are sold. Click here for direct link to Amazon.


THE VALENTINE'S DAY CURSE -- A Short Story, Free everywhere...except on Amazon (boo! hiss!) where it's $.99 to buy! Click here for direct link! Let them know it's free at these stores and they may price match it! Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books...more to come.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Make Way for the New Punk

I have to give the Roanoke Times credit, not only for running my commentary which they gave a great headline to, "Make way for the new punk" on the front page of the Horizon section, but for running another commentary lamenting "Suddenly, everyone is a published writer" right next to mine.

The major difference in our attitudes is made clear in the first paragraph of Betsy's commentary when she writes..."In fact, my brother's book came out a week before mine. But don't buy his. Buy mine. It's funnier, or at least, the cover is. I haven't looked at the inside of his yet." I would never tell someone to not buy my brother's book, or that mine is "better," especially if I hadn't "looked at the inside of his yet!"

No, I'm of the mind set that independent anything...authors, artists, musicians, etc. should be celebrated, not only for their talent, but for having the tenacity to overcome all the negativity that is often thrown their way by people who think they're "better" than them.

That's why I am thrilled that so many musicians and artists have agreed to share the stage with me on December 15th, 6:00pm, at Roanoke's Main Library Downtown for an event called, "NYC...Live in Roanoke!" which not only celebrates the release of "Fractured Facade," but the re-emergence of the independent.

"In breaking away from the conventional format of what one might expect from an author’s book release event, Elena DeRosa, local author of the recently published eBook “Fractured Façade,” and Roanoke Public Libraries, are collaborating to present “NYC...Live in Roanoke!”

The author won’t be signing any books, but through vignettes, will share her journey, and the stage. Rather than read a chapter or two from her book, the author endeavors to create a bridge between the tale’s settings of Roanoke, VA and Brooklyn, NY, through the talents of other independent artists. Inspired by a New York City theme, musicians will perform live and visual artists’ exhibit their work.

The evening, “NYC...Live in Roanoke!” promises to continue the tradition of Roanoke Public Libraries celebrating our creative community, showcasing talent through unique events that have become synonymous with the downtown library.

In the spirit of the holiday season, a request is made to bring an unwrapped new toy for Toys for Tots, as well as a non-perishable food item that would be donated to the Rescue Mission.

We're hoping that this event will be the pinnacle of events so far at Roanoke Main Library in terms of cultural creativity.

A big part of the inspiration for this event came from a recent blog post titled:
Independent Authors & Punk Rockers

Refreshments served - authentic NYC menu of course.


Just so you know, I'm damned proud of the written result of three years' worth of blood, sweat, and tears that I spilled on my keyboard to bring my tale to light, but I'm no better than anyone else...

Fractured Facade is available at Smashwords, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and all eReader stores. You can read a sample and see if it's worth $4.99 to you ;)

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